
You’ll Have Choices when you see us for your health. 

Based on our findings, we’ll make recommendations and you’ll be presented with some choices.  And we will work with you to make the right one for you.

  • Proceed with chiropractic care
  • Seek the opinion of another practitioner
  • Ignore the problem hoping it will resolve
  • Medication to reduce symptoms (referral required)
  • Physical therapy (referral required)
  • Surgical intervention (referral required)

Once you begin care we will be working together to achieve the best results possible and to obtain your individual goals. Chiropractic care is a partnership approach to better health. Part of your recovery is based on what we do, and the other part on what you do:

Our Job 
Your Job
See you as a person, not a condition... Desire health
Respect your privacy and your time... Get involved
Provide a comfortable office setting... Keep your visits
Honor your individual health goals... Follow advice
Explain our procedures and findings... Ask questions
Monitor and report your progress... Expect results
Refer to other specialists as needed... Stay optimistic
Show you ways to get and stay well... Seek answers
Charge a fair fee for our services... Pay your bill
Offer state-of-the art chiropractic... Tell others

With clear boundaries in place and our respective responsibilities identified, it’s time to begin your care!

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