What is Chiropractic Rehabilitation?

Chiropractic therapy is based on the theory that a person's health is generally determined by the condition of the nervous system and how it relates to the spine and the muscles. Contrary to common belief that chiropractors are only able to aid with neck and back pain, chiropractors are able to treat the whole body, in specific the musculoskeletal and neurological systems. Chiropractors can treat patients who have problems regarding headaches, tendonitis, sprains, strains, stroke and other diseases.

Since the scope of practice for physiotherapy and chiropractic care overlap, a chiropractor will be able to go  through a variety of chiropractic techniques, as well as utilize physical therapy techniques to heighten the effects the patient receives.  For example, the chiropractor can apply pressure to and move the vertebrae slightly beyond their normal range of motion. Treatment may also involve gentle movement of the head, shoulders, and hips. Heat, ice, corsets, ultrasound, strength and conditioning exercises, biofeedback, and relaxation therapy can be used to supplement manipulation.

Chiropractic at MyHealth Care Centre

We like to focus on what it takes to get you better. It's all about the movement of your muscles and joints. Chiropractic rehab we like to give you choices, and will not force you into treatments. Some chiropractors will use X-rays for every single patient, where we prefer to diagnose conditions first base on a thorough history and assessment. If needed we can refer you directly or via your family doctor.

Chiropractors advise on lifestyle changes and exercise along with treatment. Chiropractors does not include medications or surgery to treat conditions. Any spinal manipulation should be done by a specially trained, licensed practitioner, usually a chiropractor, medical doctor, or an osteopathic physician.

At MyHealth Care Centre, our most important goal is to allow individuals to live life pain free and have a good sense of control over their health. This in addition to the advanced techniques MyHealth Care Centre has to offer will allow patients to maximize their quality of life as well as allow them to experience life to their fullest. 

We invite you to discover chiropractic care at our Mississauga chiropractic clinics.