What is Telehealth?
We are including Telehealth as per of being able to provide continued care to you via a HIPAA compliant secure video conference, in real time. Telehealth visits are just like a regular visit with one of our health experts, we have a team of practioners that you will be able to see and speak with on a screen. Just like a regular appointment, your Telehealth visit will be private and confidential. It can only be seen and heard by the health care professionals involved. At MyHealth, you are always be speaking to a live practioner from within our own network.
We are including Telehealth as per of being able to provide continued care to you via a HIPAA compliant secure video conference, in real time. Telehealth visits are just like a regular visit with one of our health experts, we have a team of practioners that you will be able to see and speak with on a screen. Just like a regular appointment, your Telehealth visit will be private and confidential. It can only be seen and heard by the health care professionals involved. At MyHealth, you are always be speaking to a live practioner from within our own network.
Understanding Telehealth
LCD screens are uniquely modern in style, and the liquid crystals
Telehealth Expectations
Telehealth or virtual care has been shown to be effective and comparable to conventional methods of healthcare delivery for physical function and pain improvement with a wide array of conditions. Patients will get positive outcomes and our practioners will continue to monitor your progress, add or modify their plans of care as needed. We anticipate this being a very integral part in our approach to treating patients.
Choose Your Therapist
Throughout your entire session, our experts are there to assist you, and if you should need to be coordinated with another type of practitioner we can coordinate this for you. During your appointment the practitioner will appear on the screen, all of our appointment time will be one-on-one.
Health History
If this is your first visit we will begin by reviewing your health history. We may ask questions initially to clear up any missing pieces, and later we will provide a diagnosis, and plan of care suited for your condition. Should you require a follow-up appointment, simply book another follow up appointment for the appropriate Telehealth practitioners.
Plan of Care
We will be able to continue your care and plan of action from where you are presenting in your progress. Further recommendation and treatment will be reviewed based on your feedback since your last visit. Should your case require an in person follow-up we can arrange this upon discussing your options. We are now able to assess, and treat these conditions virtually so that you are able to feel better, become more functional and have less pain.

Stefan Eyram
"New to Mississauga"

"Best TMJ Treatment"

David Elford
"Extremely Professional"

Maha Hammandy
"Not Just a Number"

Steve Denes
"Caring Chiropractic"

Sand P
"Inviting Ambiance"
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