
Online Reviews

The best compliment anyone can give us is ultimate trusting the health and wellbeing of their friends and family. Anytime that a new patient visit our clinic for their needs, we want to respect you as a patient and we want to do everything possible to get movement and function back into your daily routine.

We have a great team of therapist that have been put together including physiotherapy, chiropractors, massage therapy, manual osteopathy, acupuncture ... because not only one therapist has the ability to help you, in fact we believe that a team approach means that you get the best of each of these therapist, and you are able to take your file to any of our locations in Mississauga, Oakville or Etobicoke.

We value any feedback that our patients share with us, and we want to continually bring the best care possible, the best standard of therapy to our patients. Our goal is never to stop improving, and to always offer you options.
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Meet Our Experienced Team

Why wait before you decide to have your first consultation, often the stress and tension on your body has been ongoing for many years, if not decades. This often leads to pain and loss of vitality.

To find out if we can help. Would you like the opportunity to talk with the doctor one-on-one to see if we might help you or a loved one? Our office is offering you the chance for a 15 minute consultation at no cost. After this consultation, we can look into an initial exam and further treatments.

In order to make a consultation, you can either call us or walk in to make an appointment at either of our Mississauga locations.
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Years of Experience
Claritas est etiam processus dynamicus, qui sequitur mutationem consuetudium lectorum.
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Streetsville Clinic

317 Queen St South

Port Credit Clinic

137 Queen St East

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Port Credit